Ointments and oils after
Jesus Christ
old tradition of the Essenes
The Essenes were a people who lived in small communities from around 200 BC to 100 AD, mainly in Egypt and what is now Israel. They were known for their enormous spiritual knowledge, their therapists and healers. Traditions say that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was an Essene herself. Jesus also grew up in this community and was their student.
The Essenes passed down their knowledge of ointments and oils from mother to eldest daughter. The knowledge was secret and had to be protected at all costs.
Today we have received permission from the spiritual world to bring this technology into the world in order to enable healing for people. The oil that I use is still produced today according to the Essene recipe.
Nothing touches us as deeply as an anointing. An anointing breaks up the old so that new things can emerge. It helps you to let go so that you can accept new things. An anointing affects the body, mind and soul.
the holy anointing
The anointing with oil has something to do with the anointing with the Holy Spirit . The oil itself is a symbol of the Spirit of God . Christ means the one anointed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus: the spirit of the divine rests upon me. "Messiah" (Hebrew) and "Christ" (Greek) both mean "anointed one." Myrom and Chrism are different oils in olive oil that are used for holy anointing.
Anointing = carrying the spirit further, God's grace and recognition, back into unity, knowledge of the will of God.
Psalm Isaiah 1-4
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, opening to those who are prisoners, to comfort everyone who mourns,...
To free prisoners and those in chains
Joy instead of sadness and depression, to break the yoke, then the old ruins will be rebuilt, but also the rubble of previous generations!
The anointing is a tangible power that flows when someone is open. Anointing is the Holy Spirit flowing from above downwards.
Refreshing the anointing means: "renewing the way to the Spirit/Creator!"
When we anoint, we do so as messengers/bearers in humility before the source.
The power of the Spirit is upon me (anointing) so that I can heal by the laying on of hands. Give me the word of knowledge and the grace of healing (through anointing and laying on of hands) trust when you recognize that the person can be a vessel/cup for the Holy Spirit (knowledge).
Healing is initiated by the word knowledge. Even with Jesus, it was always only individuals that he healed. More people can be reached if they open themselves to this knowledge.
Anointing is when the order and love of the Creator, the spirit, the knowledge leads to healing by dissolving low vibrations that have led to illness.
If an initiate has the permanent state of consciousness of Tifereth (Kabbalah, 6th Sefiroth), he has become the Christ (anointed one) himself. The 6th Sefiroth-Tifereths is located in the heart chakra, where the microcosm and macrocosm connect. In other words: a person who is permanently in the love of the heart becomes the anointed one himself.