Holy Sleep
Holy Sleep
Traumatic experiences from this and previous lives remain as information in both the body and our aura field and can cause psychological and physical problems in the here and now. The aim of aura surgery is to uncover and resolve this stored, emotionally stressful information.
Holy Sleep is one of the highest/purest techniques that we are allowed to use. This is because the actual treatment/"operation" is carried out by beings from the spiritual world and therefore logically eludes any possible conscious or unconscious interpretation by the client or therapist.
My task as a shaman priestess is:
Before and during a treatment, to ensure an energetically clean and sacred space, to cleanse your aura and prepare it so that the responsible beings of the spiritual world can do "their work". At the end, it is my responsibility to seal your aura again and to welcome you back in the here and now.
for even more understanding
As a form/methodology of spiritual healing, aura technology serves to activate the self-healing powers.
The area of work here is the human aura. Every living being - humans, animals and plants - has, in addition to the visible, physical body, an invisible astral body, an energy field - the aura - our subtle body, which surrounds us in onion-like layers.
Our aura perceives every situation and the associated feelings, thoughts and sensations on a subtle level and stores them. All experiences, problems, traumas and injuries on a physical and psychological level are stored in our body and our aura. Every cell has the ability to store information and thus also all organs, muscles, tendons, vessels... -If we are not in harmony with our environment or with ourselves, for example, the energy of our aura field is bound and blocked.
So if we have an issue/problem, it is already visible as a blockage in our aura field before we notice the associated symptoms. If our aura is weakened, physical symptoms make us aware of it, because our aura supplies our body with energy and thus also passes on the stored information to it. Ultimately, our body then shows us that we should deal with the energetic and emotional background of an illness or complaint. Since every physical impairment is also reflected in the aura, it is obvious that many ailments can also be dealt with in the aura. These include in particular physical and mental blockages, stress of all kinds, allergies, fears, depression, pain and much more, right up to physical impairments.